
Innovation Eco-Systems

Jara Pascual erklärt uns, wie man natürliche Innovations-Communities als Oasen der Gesellschaft fördert. (in Engl.)

Episode Decoded

One of the major goals of the Daily of the Month Podcast is to explore the potential of organisations to create spaces of cohesion, personal/group growth and all the while delivering value to their customers and stakeholders.

This episode takes a Meta View of the organisation as it fits into the context of the bigger economy. We zoom out to look at how we are standing at the “The time between two worlds” and dialogue with Jara Pascual our 1st international guest about how groups of organisations and institutions can benefit society by creating innovation ecosystems to redefine what value in our society equates to. This means the realignment and integration of our economical systems, ecological systems and social systems.

These are a few of the Keywords that were dropped and that drove our conversation.

  • Ecosystem Design
  • Diversity, integrating silos across organisations and industries
  • The conduction of knowledge transfer
  • Organisational Transformation requires us to feel the pain of our current situation
  • From desert to oasis, the Creation of Innovation Ecosystems demands a lot of hard work
  • Randomness leads to innovation

Still a little bit confused; An Innovation Ecosystem is first of all defined by the shifting of emphasis from competition to collaboration. They become fertile places for the exchange and cross pollination of knowledge, resources and capital. They resemble ecological ecosystems and are better suited to our complex world, than linear supply chains.

Jara takes us on an exploration of the process of creating a desert oasis.

So sit back and enjoy the ride.

Joshua, Chris, Markus

  • Quote of the Month:

“For years, normality has been stretched nearly to its breaking point, a rope pulled tighter and tighter, waiting for a nip of the black swan’s beak to snap it in two. Now that the rope has snapped, do we tie its ends back together, or shall we undo its dangling braids still further, to see what we might weave from them?” by Charles Eisenstein

About our Guest

Jara Pascual

Jara Pascual is an author and entrepreneur centered on Innovation. She is CEO and founder of Collabwith, an online platform bringing people together and encouraging collaborations online and offline. As Board Member of the Forum Knowledge4Innovation her voice is heard regularly at the European Parliament. She is also the host of the Innovation Podcast “Business of Collaboration” and Book author of “Innovation & Collaboration in the Digital Era” from publisher @DeGruyter (coming in fall of 2020). Jara is a Telecom Engineer with an MBA and she is writing about innovation management for different online magazines. She has worked for 15 years in Innovation management doing transformational innovation culture and projects in a number of Fortune 500 Companies and R&D Labs.


Tips from Jara:

Tips from the Daily Team

“The More Beautiful World our Hearts Desire” Charles Eisenstein A book whose title alone paints a beautiful picture of a connection to a deeper embodied knowing and hints to a world full of potential

“A Time Between Worlds” Zak Stein A book of essays that focus on the current state of education in the USA and what the future could hold. The title has become a Metaphor often used by modern philosophers to describe our current world.

When thinking about how our social systems can resemble ecological ecosystems and how we can possibly bring our social, economical and ecological ecosystems into coherence, CS Holling’s Panarchy model of provides a good foundational framework for this experimentation and work.

Liberating structures use actually this theory for one of their workshops. Panarchy


New additions to our playlist (Update 16.12.2020):

Songs from our Guest

  • Elephant: “Touché Coulé”
  • Jacob Brass, Nova International: “The Golden Times”
  • Anajo: “Wenn du nur wüsstest”

Unsere Extraportion Musik

  • House of Pain: “Jump around”
  • Desert Session: “I wanna make it with chu”

Unsere Playlist findet ihr in Spotify unter:

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