veröffentlicht von Daily of the Monthmit Joshua und Chrisveröffentlicht am 26 July 2021
About the Episode
What happens when we start to view the organization as a complex living system and not just a complicated machine that we take apart and reassemble? Esther Derby challenges us and our still relatively mechanistic view of the world by injecting new language and metaphors into the conversation. This was a rich dialogue with a masterful gardener of agile organizational development and the author of the book “7 Rules for Positive Productive Change”. The wisdom that she embodies in working with organizations is amazing and we are happy to have had the opportunity to connect in conversation and learn from her.
We learned that, creating the right conditions for life(new ways of being/new perspectives)is the first step in the sequence to creating a thriving forest ecosystem. Agile organizations are those who interact with their environment in iterative and incremental ways, while putting a large emphasis on learning as they go. Small steps can lead to big change and offer more certainty in reaching preferred outcomes, compared to the audacious goal of the 3 month roll out to become an agile organization.
Congruence is one of the new words that we learned and Esther uses it to describe the state of being centred, balanced, aware of own needs and capabilities while being in a shared context. Being in congruence is the first step in her change by attraction model. She explains, once there is an awareness of the system of a whole, then the system can be changed.
We ended the conversation speaking about the importance of treating people like adults, being transparant with information and the status quo and invite them to be participants and great things will occur.
We hope you enjoy this episode as much as we have.
Joshua, Andreas, Chris, Markus, Franziska
PS: We are always open to learning about your experience as listener so please send Feedback to or join that chat that is currently be being breathed into creation on signal.
PPS: The background sounds of the episode where taken on our hike to the Aachen forest located at the three-country-point (Germany, Belgium, Netherlands).
0 way into wood
1 step into wood
2 junction
3 fierce creature
4 treefriend
5 field recorder
Esther Derby
Consultant, Advisor, Author, Speaker, …
Esther draws on four decades of experience leading, observing, and living organizational change. She works with a broad array of organizations. Her clients include both start-ups and Fortune 500 companies.
Based on experience and research, my approach blends attention to humans and deep knowledge of complex adaptive systems.
She has been called one of the most influential voices within the agile communities when it comes to developing organizations, coaching teams, and transforming management. Her work over many years has influenced coaches and leaders across many companies.
Jerry Weinberg exposed her to experiential training in 1991. Since then, she has applied experiential learning and adult learning theory to create high-impact workshops. She runs two of the most thought after trainings for leaders seeking to apply systems thinking and congruence to their work. Through her work, she has influenced a generation of leaders in companies across the world.
Special thanks goes out to our guest contributor Julia and to her ( marvelous “Unfuck Earth Radio (UFER)” podcast. A fun podcast on taking action in order to protect / fix our climate (not cars).
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Unser zweiter Gast Peter Pröll, Coach und Moderator für Organisationsentwicklung & Agile Transformationen, stellt uns den Prinzipiensatz des BetaCodex vor.
Joshua und Chris erläutern warum und für wen wir sie unter die PodCastLer gegangen sind. Und teilen weitere Verrücktheiten rund um unseren geliebten Daily.